Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Yosemite weekend

Annie and I continued our tradition of celebrating Mother's Day with a trip to the mountains.  This time instead of camping we were lucky enough to be invited up to a friend's new house just outside of Yosemite.  It was a toddler adventure weekend, complete with mountain biking and rope swing adventures.  

If it wasn't clear from the other photos how much Annie loved the rope swing, here is a picture of how she felt about having to get off the swing.  :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter weekend

I was going to wait to post this once I get photos of dinner with Nana and Grampa tonight, complete with bunny cake.  But it looks like I haven't posted since Thanksgiving last year!  I'd better get this one out while I can.  Happy Easter everyone!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Our extended family dinner is on Friday this year, so Annie and I celebrated the holiday with a trip to the zoo.  The San Francisco zoo is in a particularly foggy area of the city, but somehow everytime Annie and I go there it ends up being a sunny, warm day.  We are lucky girls!  We had a great day today, wishing all the animals a Happy Thanksgiving, and then saying a quick hello to the ocean on our way home.  Hope you are all enjoying your holiday!

Riding the train at the zoo

Very excited for the train ride

Watch out for the grizzly behind you Annie!  The grizzly bear had been eating a turkey (her thanksgiving treat), but both she and Annie got distracted by a sea gull right when I went to take the picture.

Practicing our one legged flamingo standing.  I was practicing, too, it just isn't pictured.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Kelly Family Beach Vacation

A few of my favorite shots from the week:

Cousin Henry is one cool dude

Time out

Annie sent me to time out yesterday.  When I asked her why, she said because I wasn't listening to her.  Which was true!!  I hadn't been listening very well, I was distracted and ignoring her. So I went over to the corner and sat until she claimed the timer had gone off.  When I was let out, I took this video trying to get her to explain it again.  She changed her story in the video, but I think the conversation is still entertaining, so I'm posting it here.


Happy Summertime

Annabelle and I have been keeping busy this summer, and obviously not stopping to blog about it.  We had two trips to the east coast, one for a conference in DC (for me) and a visit with Nana and Grampa, and a second trip for a Kelly family beach trip in Delaware.  The rest of our time has been spent taking trips to the park, swimming in our pool, and doing day trips to the beach or Happy Hollow.  We've been having fun!

Annie is so energetic and fun to hang out with.  She is also exhausting!  She has nearly unlimited energy and lots of bad ideas.

Last week we had a birthday party in the park for her 2nd birthday - she loved all the attention, and especially loved having a few of her favorite friends from school at the party.

In the interest of not being too overwhelmed to post, I'm going to just post a bunch of photos and not worry about telling a story.  Maybe I'll caption a few of them if I have time.  I hope everyone else is enjoying their summers as much as we are!

With her favorite teachter, Anahi, at her school cupcake party on her birthday

You sit back down, Mama!

Annie often wears just one mitten.  Kind of like Michael Jackson, but not creepy.  Confusing, though, since she owns two mittens, and also it is nearly always 75 and sunny here.